5. All about Menstrual Migraines

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Why do menstrual migraines happen? 

 What is it about our periods that can generate migraines?

Usually, it’s the hormones that are blamed. But if it was really the hormones’ fault, wouldn’t every woman have menstrual migraines?

Spoiler alert - it’s not actually the hormones that are causing the problem, even though that's the most common scapegoat.

So, why do some women experience menstrual migraines?

Tune in to learn more!


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Facebook: Leslie Cisar, ND


Listen to Sarah’s Story and her recovery from debilitating menstrual migraines:  https://www.drlesliecisar.com/testimonial-sarah

Estrogen is a wonderful hormone when it's in the proper amount. Estrogen is one of the reasons why women tend to live longer than men. It protects our hearts, it protects our bones - but when it is in excess, it causes havoc.  



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