10. Help, My Doctor Says I'm Healthy...

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Have you ever had this thought? The doctors say I’m healthy, so why do I feel so awful? You’re not alone! In today’s episode, I discuss the reasons your doctor is telling you “you’re healthy” and you still feel awful.


Your doctor is looking for a disease, but the tools they use to find a problem often do not pick up anything. Your doctor is going through a systemized search of checking off certain boxes to find a diagnosis but often comes up empty-handed. The bloodwork, scans and the gamut of all the tests do not show anything “wrong” with you. Without a clear diagnosis, doctors use trial and error to find a prescription that might help-- or might make things worse.


Listen to find out why looking for a disease ends up giving you little information on what is going on in your body, and why looking at migraines differently might be the shift you need to finally find a way to heal your migraines.


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