35. I keep wondering, Why Did He Ask This Question?

Have you ever been asked a question that just leaves you wondering, why on earth did they just ask me that? Like, “Have you taken a Tylenol for that migraine?” Or what about this one - “Ya know, I’ve heard headaches are caused by dehydration - did you drink enough water today?”

Are you chuckling yet? Or screaming yet? I’m sure you’ve been asked these types of questions! And boy, oh boy, does it take everything we can not to strangle them, right? : ) So recently, I was watching the TV Series, The Chosen, and the main character asked a question that really got me thinking - why on earth did He ask that question? He asked someone who had been sick for 38 years and who had been desperately trying to heal himself, “Do you want to be healed?”

Are you chuckling or screaming yet? Join Mari and me this week to go deep into why on earth anyone would ask this type of question - and what it may reveal about what healing requires of us. 



Episode 24. Top 3 Things Your Natural Practitioner Doesn't Understand About Migraines

Episode 18. The Truth About Functional Medicine


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