Tired of planning her life around her cycle, and living in fear of when the next migraine would arrive, it was a scheduled nightmare every month. She knew that something had to change.
"When I reached out to Dr. Leslie my cycle was very regular, in that it would be about 25 days long and no matter what I tried the day before, or on the day of my period, I would get a migraine for 2-3 days. I found this very frustrating. I’d tried supplement after supplement and was trying to take the natural route as I didn’t want to get on the heavier drugs but unfortunately nothing was working.
It became very frustrating, as I began to have to schedule my life around my periods and my migraines. I was feeling hopeless and didn’t have an answer for how to fix this, which is what lead me to connect with Dr. Leslie. At first I joined her Facebook group and I thought it was just one of those other “hey have you tried this etc.” groups, but then I took a moment and realised what the group was. I watched the testimonials and the free training and I decided to give the free consultation a go!
I was sure I wasn’t going to be a right fit, and that she wasn’t going to be able to help me. I felt like my migraines were too ingrained in my body and felt so hopeless. But as soon as I finished that free consultation Dr. Leslie gave me exactly what I needed - HOPE! I hadn’t connected with anyone else around me who had regular clockwork migraines like me. It felt like I was beyond help - until Dr. Leslie said the words “oh I’m confident I can help you!” I thought she would instead reply with “let’s give it a try” but the way she knew she would be able to support me filled me with all the hope that I needed! When I told my husband about it he could tell by the way I was talking about it that we had to give it a go. The plan that Dr. Leslie put together for me felt like a lightbulb, I knew it made sense, and I knew that it was right for me and I had to do it - there was no doubt.
We started the very next day. I didn’t want to sit on it and let life get in the way. It was time to make the change and heal. Since being on the program I haven’t had the horrendous symptoms of those migraines, which is so hard to believe. Before the program, I could feel the migraine coming on, there was nothing I could do about it, it would get worse over night and in the morning it was excruciating and come along with severe anxiousness, sometimes vomiting. I tried ice, heat and even pepper spray (I know right?) to try and get some form of relief. Nothing ever fixed it. I would trudge through those days, pace around the house, get anxious, tell my kids that they had to go watch tv or have my husband take care of them and then I would wake up when it was over and still feel a little off but mostly I would feel hopeless. I’d be grateful that I got to live for three weeks without headaches but knew not to get too comfortable because I had to be ready for the next one. It was a scheduled nightmare every month.
I had to plan activities, vacations and events around my period. I have 3 kids who are all very active and I can’t control when they have a tournament or concert so I was missing out on things that I wanted to share with them and then would also experience the guilt of missing it. The cycle would just continue and it would make me even more hopeless and frustrated. I’d do more research and try new things and none of them worked. Every month I felt like a failure because my research wasn’t delivering results.
I knew diet played a role and had tried eliminating certain foods but I had no guide. I was winging it and experimenting. Dr. Leslie’s program allows me to customise the map. I saw that others were having success from this program so it gave me more confidence in what the program was before I even started it. Before my free consult I had felt a little skeptical, and I know others have said the same in her Facebook group and people are worried it is a scam - like so many of the other things on the internet that are marketed to “heal” migraines. What I recommend to anyone who is worried about that is just do the free phone call, it’s FREE, and after the call things will be different because you will be enlightened. There is nothing to lose with doing the free phone call. People are wasting money on all these other supplements and tricks that are supposed to help but I ended up feeling like I was defective because these “fixes” were apparently working for others but not for me. Each month I’d try something new and say “this is the one” and sometimes it would lessen the severity but the next month it would not work any more - giving me false hope - so I’d go back to the drawing board again. I’d still be doing that if I hadn’t have found Dr. Leslie’s Facebook group. Eventually I would probably have given up and been put on the drugs and I’d be 10 years down the road, dealing with the same problems and side effects from the medication.
You learn about a lot more than migraines in this program, I’m walking away a stronger person. It’s not just about migraines, it is about me. Not my migraines...Me! I remember hearing Dr. Leslie ask in her free training “do you feel that you are absolutely done with your migraines”, and that’s because you need to put in the work to get into a state of health, and so you really have to be ready. A lot of people aren’t ready to address the main cause, they don’t want to, and so for those people this isn’t going to work. Most people want a pill. If you aren’t open to it it's not going to work. This program tailored to your own individual person - so I can’t tell you what the plan is. What I am doing is unique to what I need to do. Other women will be doing something totally different.
I see people comment in the Facebook group as if Dr. Leslie is trying to keep some secret - but the truth is people just need to talk to her. If you think its a scam because she doesn’t share the method then you need to know that she can’t share the method because it is so tailored to the individual. I understand why people feel this way because we have all bought all the fads, and we think that everything is just another money making thing. But I’m here to tell you this is different and I’m so glad I followed my gut and did it! The 12 weeks flew by. I’m telling you - just do it!
I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish it… but it’s over so fast! I had been suffering from anxiety and despondency before starting the program but by the time I hit week 8, and the change was dramatic. The body wants to change, you just have to help it. Now I find my cycle fun! When I get my period I’m intrigued as to what is going to happen rather than living in fear of it. I have a plan to continue my healing. I know what to do. The hopelessness has gone. I’m no longer looking at my calendar worried about when it is coming. I am feeling much better. I want to feel like I felt when I was in my 20s, that’s my goal, and I have seen improvements with every cycle. The headache component is much improved, now that has become secondary to the period itself. I remember how miserable it was before - and it was a struggle to just get through the day. That has changed so much and I haven’t had to cancel things over the spring and it is mind boggling to me in such a short period of time.
When I think about who this is program is for, I think it really has to be those who are ready and at breaking point to make a change. I only wish I had from Dr. Leslie 10 years ago, but maybe I wouldn’t have been ready then. If you are on the fence about this, trust your intuition. If this feels right it is - don’t second guess it. At least try the free phone call! I’m so thankful that I did that. The only thing that comes out of it is information. The fact that Dr. Leslie doesn’t just take on any client, and will only support those she knows she can help, gave her so much credibility to me. I think regularly about the people who I want to tell about you, as I know you can help so many heal. But it takes change. It’s not just a simple pill.
Seriously if you do this you won’t look back! Dr. Leslie is a life saver!"